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Lots of things make me happy and optimistic. Here are some things that I’m thinking about right now.

  1. Little kids look adorable in Halloween costumes and today I get to pass out candy from my cubicle.
  2. When I get married my wife and I are going to work out together in exercise clothes basically every day.
  3. I paid off a big chunk of the highest interest student loan that I have and next month that one’ll be gone completely.
  4. I half-filled a glass jar with M&Ms from fun size packets and it looks really good on my desk. I think I’ll get another jar this weekend and fill it with a delicious candy. Probably Skittles Blenders.
  5. Google+ is going to let me use my email address with my current account in a couple of weeks.
  6. Today is sixty days since September first.
  7. I already mailed a letter this week and I have a pretty sweet card almost ready to mail.
  8. I have a bug to find in my online Scrabble game.