Mallory showed me this yesterday.

This is actually a pretty dangerous habit.

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6 Responses to MOM U WROTE WEINER.

  1. Heather Lutes says:


  2. Breana says:

    Bahahahaha!!!! I used to find a lot of funny ones of those on StumbleUpon, but I recently quit that place. You know why.

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Now you know that I think you are hilarious and I love how you make me laugh. But it is postings like this one that might make certain people not too impressed with you.

  4. Joshua says:

    Elizabeth Fern! Who are these certain people that are made not too impressed with me? My low self-esteem needs answers fast!

  5. Emily says:

    That is HILARIOUS! I loved the drawing. And if certain people have not decided whether to be impressed or not by now, then certain people have wasted a lot of their time. Hi certain people!!!!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    You just need to make certain that future in-laws are kept far away from your website. Unless certain in-laws have the same sense of humor as your future intended then it is all good. But something tells me they do not.

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