Love is an enigma.

I really love making puzzles.  At the beginning of the summer I made a pretty sweet puzzle for the girl I was dating. Here it is exploded.

I don’t know why the speckled look is so appealing to me, but I love it!  The shape is kind of odd because I drew a pretty sketchy heart on the wood and then I didn’t do a very good job of following the average of my lines.

I love giving hand made things like this to people because then they’re obliged to never throw them away.  Obliged!  Things didn’t work out and we eventually split up but she’s got to carry this wooden memento of our failed love for forever.  Ha ha, sweet!

Maybe the moral of the story is that a broken heart isn’t the best thing to give a chick?

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4 Responses to Love is an enigma.

  1. Sexy Mama says:

    I hate to break it to you but it is pretty easy to throw homemade things away if it is from a failed former love. Just saying.

  2. Joshua says:

    Even when the homemade item is a particularly awesome puzzle? Scoff.

  3. Andrew says:

    Maybe she was only with you so she could get one of these fancy puzzles?

  4. Emily says:

    I’ll take you on a date if I can get one of those sweet puzzles =) truly is hard to throw away a handmade gift!
    So what are you making me for Christmas….??? hee hee

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