
At school yesterday I saw a girl out of the corner of my eye typing one-handed. I couldn’t help turning and staring since hunt-and-peck typists are such an oddity to me. I mean, really, just spend twenty minutes learning how to type for reals.

She was actually pretty good at it, though, and had a sort of rhythm going. She would look at the screen then at her notes and then at her hand as it snaked its way around the keyboard. I was mesmerized by the smooth way she hit all of the keys with just her left hand and this is probably why it took me a few seconds to realize that she only had a left hand. Its mate was missing along with about half of her right forearm.

I quickly jerked my head away. In an instant I had changed from a rude bystander gawking at somebody’s inability to learn touch-typing into a rude bystander gawking at somebody’s making do despite a fairly debilitating handicap. This is huge douche-bag territory. Thankfully, she didn’t notice me watching.

The worst part was that she was pretty cute and I toyed with the idea of asking her out. In the end my natural inclination towards being a weenie won out. Though I told myself it was excusable only because I had no way of knowing if she was married or not.

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7 Responses to Touch-typist.

  1. Erin says:

    You should have asked her.
    Wedding Rings are worn on the left hand, you know.

  2. J. Frankenstein Lutes says:

    Drat. I mixed up left and right in my story. This is when Andrew would punch me in the arm. LE SIGH.

  3. Elizabeth Peterson says:

    One of the guys Kefford used to work with got married and when I saw him the next time I noticed that he had his ring on his right hand. i started teasing him about this and was really giving it to him when he suddenly held up his left hand and I saw he did not have a left hand ring finger. Yeah I felt pretty stupid, luckily he was really cool!

  4. Andrew Lutes says:

    Status Quo.

    I need to make a note to punch you the next time I see you. You have one month brother. One month.

  5. Emily Robertson says:

    Dude if I had read this earlier I could have punched you on saturday…sigh…double sigh. You should have asked her out anyway. If she was married she only would have been flattered or slightly creeped out by your advances…hmmm….

  6. ashleigh says:

    That's great. What an awkward brother I have. You are on a plane to see me (JUST ME!) right now so I'll punch you when I pick you up. Love you tons!

  7. Grandma Lutes says:

    Sadly, your mom and dad have both given you the "better not do it" and "think twice about it" syndrome. Dad had to ask someone else to ask me if I would go out with him if he asked! And you know what a weenie I am! Poor Joshua.

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