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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fridge Scrabble.

Mallory gave me this really great idea for playing Scrabble on the fridge and I drew a picture so I wouldn’t forget about it. You’re probably wondering if the skinny jeans are an essential part of the design.

Making the bed.

I made my bed about a month ago! It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be and I feel like I learned while I was doing it. In a few years when I do it again I am sure I’ll be way better. CHECK IT OUT!

An erudite explanation of English.

If two men are close enough that they feel comfortable giving each other a chest bump, then they are buddies. If they are in the locker room and don’t got shirts on when they chest bump, then they are bosom buddies. If two women are close enough that they feel comfortable giving each other a […]

Cherry Lemonade

The last Monday of November is when people usually talk about the things that make them happy so here are some of the things that make me happy. Mallory Jan. Spending a really great Thanksgiving with my family in California. Playing “Just Dance 2” on the Wii with Ashleigh and Raymond. Especially when Ashleigh quickly cocked […]

Surreptitious observations.

Sometimes when I go into the bathroom at work I can tell who is sitting on the toilet because the person laboring in the stall has their name badge clipped to their pants and their pants around their ankles.  I’ve thought that this is pretty funny because it makes the situation a lot less private […]

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