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I wanted to make a dinosaur puzzle but that seemed too boring.  So I thought to myself, what is more interesting than a dinosaur?  Clearly the answer is dinosaur bones.

I was pretty pleased with the shape of the bones.  Almost all of them are actual, interlocking puzzle pieces.  Pretty astounding when you consider the fact that they are also absolutely accurate portrayals of the shape, position and number of bones a real dinosaur has.

There are the standard speckles (which, by the way, I still love) and also, new this time, are some striped puzzle pieces.  I cut strips out of a piece of paper and laid it over some of the puzzle pieces for a second round of spraying.  There are some oranger pieces that got double striped like plaid.  I think they look alright even if they don’t exactly look like plaid.

This puzzle has eighty-six pieces!  Thirty-two bones and fifty-four dirts.  It took Mallory and me an hour and forty-five minutes to put together!  Mallory didn’t know how it would look when put together so that sort of handicapped her.  I am pretty sure that if we tried again we could do it much more quickly.